söndag 14 maj 2017

Kentycky fried chicken with salad and cumin yoghurt

Kentycky fried chicken with salad and cumin yoghurt


Fried chicken
4 boneless chicken thighs (500-600 g)
2-3 teaspoons sea salt and black pepper
About 1 liter of rapeseed oil for frying

For frying the chicken
2,5 dl sour milk (Swedish “filmjölk”. Try Turkish yoghurt if you don´t have this kind of milk)
1 egg
Spiced flour, to fry
2 dl of wheat flour
1 tablespoon corn starch
2 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons of pepper powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon of onion powder
0.5 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 tsp sea salt

Cumin Yogurt
2 dl thick yogurt
1 bunch of fresh oregano
1 mustard or spring onion, finely chopped
3-5 cm fresh ginger
0.5 teaspoon smoked paprika
2-3 teaspoon roasted ground cumin
0.5 lemon
olive oil
Some drops of tabasco

A bunch of salad leafs
A bunch of  spinach or any other greens
Spring onion
Abundle of fennel dill or plain dill
0.5 lemon
2 tablespoons of good honey
Salt and black pepper
olive oil


Fried chicken
Cut the chicken thighs into big pieces, flavor salt and pepper.

Mix sour milk, eggs and a little salt and put in a bowl that will allow you to dip the chicken pieces.

Mix the flour with corn starch, baking soda and spices. Distribute the flour mixture onto two separate dishes before the frying.

Heat the oil in a frying pan or start a fryer if you have. The oil should have a temperature of about 180 degrees when you start to fry (be sure to turn off the kitchen fan!).

Turn the chicken into the spiced flour so it really covers, lift and shake off. Now dip the chicken into the sour milk mixture to cover the meat, lift it up and finish by dipping the chicken into the flour again so that the pieces feel covered.

Put some pieces at a time into the hot oil and fry. Fry the pieces for about 6-8 minutes until they are beautiful golden brown and juicy. Let frying oil drop off on household paper.

Cumin Yogurt
Put the yogurt in a bowl, chop the herbs and onions and shred ginger thinly. Sprinkle herbs, onions and spices over the yogurt, squeeze over lemon and spread ginger. Bring some olive oil over, seasoning with salt and a few drops of tabasco. Use as a dip for the chicken and serve together with the garden salad.

Peel and rinse the vegetables.

Slice the fennel and vegetables thinly and put everything on a serving plate. Sprinkle with lemon juice and honey, salt and pepper. Stir around everything so that it is mixed. Finish by sprinkling with some good olive oil.

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